
There are many baby apps to help new parents in the uncertain times of accompanying a new life. It is a very exciting time but can also be full of dismay and loneliness. New parents are often eager for information and support, but sometimes it's hard to know where to find what is best for us.

When devising this app, I used my own experience as a new mom to try to convey all the needs and yearnings I had experienced. So I thought The Welcome Diaries should serve as a digital journal to keep up with your child's development month by month in all stages of their first steps in life at the same time as offering parents (new and seasoned) a platform to connect and share their experiences with other parents while tracking their child's development and milestones with the best expert advice.

Design Process


For the development of this project, I worked with Blender for the 3D illustrations, logo design and animation. 

All the user interface design, including all icons and
components, was done in Figma.

Resulting Design

Style Guide

This style guide was created to guide the design process in terms of color, iconography and element design.